The ankh is an ancient
Egyptian symbol of eternal life. It symbolizes the union of male and female energies and represents immortality, balance, and the life force within.
Invitation: To invoke the energy of the ankh, hold or visualize an ankh while breathing. Invoke your Higher Self to help you balance the masculine and feminine life force energies within you for harmony.
The Womb Tree of Life
Your tree of life is the bridge between your celestial soul and the worlds of form. Your sacral womb center within your tree of life births form. You are here to birth and co-create any form of 'reality' you desire.
Invitation: Allowing yourself to be in a heaven-on-earth hologram is possible if you create it first within you and then project it out. Invoke your Higher Self to baptize your awareness with this truth. Heaven is right here, right now, if you intend it, conceive it, and project/birth it into form.
The Dorje
A dorje is a Tibetan symbol of compassion, often accompanied by a bell symbolizing wisdom. Together, they signify the union of feminine and masculine energies, representing wholeness through opposites.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to guide you in embodying the wisdom of compassion, aligning yourself with divine love. Self compassion is the key to higher states of consciousness. project/birth it into form.
The Rose
Burning Rose Heart
A burning heart and rose symbolize a sacred inner union. Intense devotion to commune with your own Heart/Christed Self generates blissful, abundant, and regenerative healing powers.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to assist you in entering a deep communion with your precious, innocent heart. Let your heart share its wisdom with you in this present moment. Its pulsations are worth more than all the fame and fortune. Remember this gift!
The lion/ess symbolizes courage, strength, and leadership. It represents the power of the heart and the ability to face challenges, also known as your chosen soul initiations, with bravery.
Invitation: Use your imagination to picture a lion/ess. Sense its strength and courage filling you, empowering you to lead with integrity and face life's initiations fearlessly. Your Higher Self is your inner lion/ess. Invoke Her/Him for courage
The Third Eye
The third eye represents divine insight, intuition, and the all-seeing eye of the universe.
It symbolizes the awakening of higher consciousness and spiritual vision for those with eyes to see.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to bless you with discernment and for eyes to see beyond the limitations and illusions within the worlds of form. You can crystallize any-thing into the reality of form if you project it outward after seeing it and feeling it FIRST with your inner eyesight. Activate your imagination! It is the secret to feeling any-thing into form.
Chanunpa is a symbol of prayer and peace. It connects the physical and spiritual worlds, representing the sacred act of prayer as a means to communicate with the divine.
Invitation: Use a sacred pipe with an herb you've prayed into. You can also use your body to place your prayer into your breath. Exhale your prayers into the Divine Mind. Feel this prayer being offered to God. Your humble devotion to being in service to the prayer ensures that it is answered.
Electrons & Light Body
Electrons are the sparks of consciousness that make up your spiritual DNA, known as light body technology. This technology liberates you from operating viral programs of fear.
Invitation: Your spiritual crystalline DNA can override carbon-based DNA. If, in your free will, you want to activate this DNA, say, "Higher Self, I invoke you to activate my Light Body Technology DNA. Magnetize any resources or initiations I require as you download this DNA upgrade into all levels of my being in divine timing for my highest good. Awe Om."
Sacred Yoni Flower
The yoni symbolizes creative feminine energy, representing the female principles of God. The physical form of the yoni, the vagina, holds ultimate pleasure and sacred power for experiencing union with the Divine.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to bless you with eyes to see the sacred truth held within the yoni. Next time you come into contact with a vagina for sexual pleasure, yours or a lover's, embrace her as the portal for experiencing orgasmic peak pleasure with the Divine.
Mala Beads
The jaguar is a symbol of power, protection, and the ability to navigate both the physical and spiritual realms. It embodies strength and humility to move forward in trust as it faces the unknown.
Invitation: Meditate on the image of a jaguar or use its symbol in your sacred space. Feel your Higher Self extending to you the jaguar's energy, granting you strength, protection, and the ability to move confidently through your challenging initiations.
Dolphins and Whales
Dolphins and whales are ancient celestial beings.
Dolphins symbolize conscious intelligence, playfulness, and community, while whales symbolize deep intuition and the mysteries of the subconscious. They are gatekeepers of high frequency dimensions.
Invitation: Call upon the energy of dolphins and whales, and/or or listen to their sounds. Imagine your Higher Self flowing their wisdom and harmony into you, enhancing your awareness of higher dimensions.
The panther represents mysticism, independence, and the guardian of the unseen world. It symbolizes the power found in embracing our shadow self.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to harness panther energy. Sense the panther's primordial energy that feasts on death for fuel. Now, see yourself feasting on the death of shame around your dark shadows. Your shadows give birth to your greatest light.
North Star
The North Star represents guidance and unwavering faith. It symbolizes following one's heart and authentic truth.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to be your guiding light, your North Star, steering you toward your true path. Allow this North Star to illuminate your journey with faith and trust, showing you how safe it is to live in alignment with your personal truth, independent of all other opinions.
White Doves
White doves represent the presence of the Holy Spirit. You can access the greatest prosperity there is—the prosperity of peace from communing with the Holy Spirit that gives you life.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to baptize you in the light and fire of your own Holy Spirit. Close your eyes. Inspire and expire three long and slow deep breaths. As you inspire, intentionally breathe in spirit; intentionally expire back out to spirit. Feel the Holy Spirit peacefully comforting you.
Lightning &
Beams of Light
Flashes of light symbolize sudden insight, divine inspiration, and direct revelation of divine wisdom. The lightning and light beams of your Higher Self are divine energy that offer you direct divine wisdom.
Invitation: Invoke your Higher Self to guide you in becoming a responsible and grounded conduit for Its lightning medicine. Surrender to this guidance in the present moment and trust that your Higher Self operates on a divine timeline for your highest good.